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Chorale Performances/ Sing at DeSales


Sing at DeSales

Our outstanding three-choir program is at the core of the University’s musical and spiritual life.

Come sing with us! Not only do our choirs build artistry and provide community, singing in our choirs can substantially finance your DeSales education  — up to and including full-tuition! — with scholarship opportunities for singers who do NOT wish to pursue music as a major.

Choral Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded annually to singers who do NOT wish to pursue music as a major.

DeSales University demonstrates a strong and unique commitment to its choirs by offering substantial scholarships — the Catholic Liturgical Music Scholars award provides full tuition — along with many additional smaller scholarships to incoming freshmen who wish to sing in our choirs while pursuing a degree in any major other than Theater. 

Learn More
choir singing


DeSales University Chorale

The DeSales University Chorale, our flagship choral ensemble, is at the heart of the University experience. Repertoire ranging from Gregorian Chant, to masterworks of the Renaissance, to masterpieces of contemporary choral writing is featured in our perennially sold-out Gaudeamus (Advent and Christmas) Concert--and Spring Concert. Performances in our acoustically magnificent Connelly Chapel are often accompanied by our new majestic Austin pipe organ. There is no audition required to join the Chorale.

Schola Cantorum

The Schola Cantorum, our elite chamber choir,  specializes in a variety of a cappella repertory from all eras. The Schola represents the best of DeSales at special concerts and events--both on- and off-campus--including international performances. Membership is by audition.

The Liturgical Choir

The DeSales Liturgical Choir fills a vital role in the University’s spiritual life. This vested ensemble sings the principal campus Mass each Sunday at the 10:30 am Mass in Connelly Chapel as well as other liturgical celebrations. The group also provides a core of cantors who lead the university community in sacred song at both of our Sunday Masses —10:30 am and 7:00 pm.

Where We Perform

Music Facilities

The Connelly Chapel of the Sacred Heart

In keeping with DeSales University’s Roman Catholic, Salesian tradition, Connelly Chapel sits on the top of the hill, keeping watchful eye over the entire campus. The worship space is intimate but reverberant, as the room is shaped somewhat like the inverted hull of a massive schooner. This curious pattern delivers a worship space where one cannot find a bad seat for hearing either voice or organ clearly. This acoustical gem is graced by brilliant blue-toned stained glass windows featuring the academic disciplines.

The Austin Opus 2800 Organ

The stunning Austin (Opus 2800) pipe organ features an exposed Great division comprising a rich diapason chorus, and a Swell that delivers not only the essence of a classic English full Swell, but more than meets the requirements for performance of the literature. The Choir/Orchestral organ fills the middle ground—its ensemble serves as a tertiary chorus, while maintaining many solo voices and shaded colors. The beautiful rosewood console is movable, built on an Austin enclosed dolly system.   

The Gallagher Studio

This versatile space is designed to serve many purposes: a choral rehearsal space, a venue for intimate chamber music performances, and a common space for social gatherings of our choir family. The Gallagher Studio includes two Wenger sound-isolation practice rooms each with a Steinway piano while an additional Steinway concert grand piano creates a dramatic centerpiece for intimate concert performances.