Criminal Justice Majors Once Again Score in 99th Percentile in National Exam

The criminal justice program is proving once again just how well it prepares students for the workforce. 

Students in the fall 2021 senior class scored in the 99th percentile on the Educational Testing Service Major Field Test in Criminal Justice. 

“This exam helps to establish that we’re one of the best, if not the best, criminal justice programs in the area. We’ve shown year after year that we do better than most other schools throughout the country.”  - Jeff Clutter, Ph.D., assistant professor

DeSales students have scored in the 99th percentile in five of the last six years. The test, which the University first began using back in 2009, gauges students’ competency in seven key areas, including law enforcement, corrections, the court system, and critical thinking. Every criminal justice major is required to take it as part of the senior seminar class, which is taught by Clutter. 

“It shows us how we’re doing as faculty and how well we’re teaching our students the core aspects of the criminal justice system,” Clutter says. “We know our students work really hard studying for this exam. We’re always very proud of them.”