A Reflection on Law Day from 2022: Tips for Future Attendees

Law Day is an event where law school admissions directors come together to give students the opportunity of informing them about their school.

Many schools provide really great information, like: 

  • What GPA and LSAT scores are recommended for admission
  • What kind of classes are offered and when you would be talking them
  • Any available housing options if there are any 
  • Experiential learning opportunities for students
  • Student life and what kind of community the school has 

Law Day is a very beneficial event. It provides a deeper, inside look at a law school environment. Depending on how early in your college career you are, you have way more time to prepare for law school like getting your GPA up and studying for the LSAT. By attending, you get a foot in the door with all of the admissions directors because they will more likely remember you. I encourage you to keep in contact with them so that they keep you in mind until you are ready to apply for law schools. 

My experience at Law Day was very interesting. I chose to look at every school who participated because you never know where life can take you. Based on research I did ahead of time, I was already really intrigued about talking to someone from Temple Law. So, I made sure I held a conversation with that admissions director. Being there and talking to all of the different law schools made me realize that if you plan on going to law school, you must be passionate about it. Everybody I talked to were previous students at their school. They all told me that hard work really gets you far and that you have to want to really be a lawyer in order to get through law school.

Now that I’ve experienced Law Day, here are some pieces of advice to students who want to attend in the future:

  • BRING A BAG: Grab every pamphlet, info booklet, etc. that all the schools have. So, you have a chance to weigh all of your options. You can look back at all those pamphlets later; I promise it will get very tiring to carry everything by hand.
  • PREPARE YOUR QUESTIONS: The last thing you would want is to stand in front of an admissions director and not be able to ask anything because nothing is coming to mind. Instead, prepare thoughtful questions that show the admissions director you’ve done your research on their law school!
  • ASK ANY QUESTION: Yes, you want to be prepared beforehand but don’t be afraid to ask something based on the chance that they won’t be able to answer it. Most of the admissions directors there graduated from their particular school. So, ask whatever you are curious about no matter what. There is so such thing as a dumb question!