The Great Circle of Life: Professionally Transitioning From One Opportunity to the Next
I remember growing up in the 90’s, watching “The Lion King” so often the VHS tape began to skip and was no longer viewable.
Taken by the characters, the colors, and the story, I was immersed; however, what drew me in the most was the music, so much so, I still listen to the soundtrack 29 years later.
One song in particular that I have been playing as of late has been “The Circle of Life.” This song is distinctly relevant to me, in this season of life, because at the end of the day on January 27th, I will no longer be employed by DeSales University. Instead, I will be moving onto another institution of higher education to continue serving students with their career development.
Four years ago I started at DeSales and I can say without hesitation, my “Circle of Life” has been a full one here. As I prepare to depart, I have a few tips for those who are moving from one position to the next as well.
Be Ahead of “The Tea”
Even before you put in your notice to your employer, I would advise you to write a list of all the colleagues you would like to personally tell of your new career venture. Once you have this list, start your communication. Word spreads quickly at any organization. If you don’t want “The Tea” to get spilled before you talk to them, you need to be proactive no matter how difficult that conversation may be.
Don’t Be A “Quiet Quitter”
Let’s be real, you want to finish well in your last two weeks. Quiet Quitting provides absolutely no benefit to anyone. It isn't fair to your team, and honestly you’re not going to feel good about how you are leaving things. Remember, there are still individuals you are working with that can provide a good reference for you in the future, and that are currently relying on you to do your job well until you move on. So, just don’t quietly quit. It’s not cool.
It’s Okay to Have Mixed Feelings
Leaving a workplace generates a lot of emotions, positive and negative. Processing through them takes time. Don’t feel guilty about being excited for your new opportunity or feeling sad about moving on from a beloved workplace. I would encourage you to take time to reflect on them, whether it’s speaking to a trusted friend or simply writing them down for a visual. It’s helpful to get those thoughts out and not stew on them!
Finish Strong - Be Who You Are And Be That Well
As your final day draws near, you should feel as though you have left no stone unturned (and even if you can’t, that’s okay. No one is Superman!).
For me personally, I want to feel similarly to 2 Timothy 4:7 which states, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
In other words, I have finished strong. I have no regrets with the work I’ve done. I know I’ve left a good legacy behind.
For those who are in a career transition or leaving one opportunity for another, take heart and be courageous! Like Mufasa said, “we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.” Know that you're never alone in these seasons. Whether it’s the work family you made, or the family and friends you come home to, there are people who love and support you. Those are the ones who will maintain that connection even if you’re moving onto the next step in the great Circle of Life!