Jump in the Ocean: Make the Most of your College Experience

As a senior at the end of my college career, I have been taking the time to reflect on my four years here.

I wanted to pass on some words of wisdom to upcoming classes, so here are five ways to make the most of your college career in and out of the classroom.

  1. Get involved. I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, but the best way to make friends and add some great things to your resume is to get involved in things that interest you. It’s a great way to gain relevant skills and leadership experience to talk about in job interviews while connecting with peers who have the same interests as you!
  2. Make a routine. College can be busy, and that was definitely true for me. When we got sent home during the pandemic, I realized how much having a consistent routine positively impacted my mental health and improved my productivity. I scheduled everything from classes to work to time with friends. This really helped compartmentalize the various aspects of college from class to work to my social life.
  3. Capture the memories. One of my majors is TV/Film, so I’m naturally drawn to capturing memories through pictures and video. I love when Google Photos or Snapchat brings up memories of the first time meeting my college friends or accomplishments that made me proud. While the main point of college is to get an education, not all of the learning takes place in a classroom- life skills and social skills are just as important. Take advantage of having a camera in your pocket all the time and capture all the memories you can. I promise you’re going to want to look back on them.
  4. Connect with the people who got you here. It’s so easy to get caught up in the bubble of college. While it’s super important to be present (I’ll tell you all about it in my next point!), remember who got you to where you are. Whether it’s your parents, friends, coaches, or mentors, give them a call. Let them continue to support you and cheer you on. Express your gratitude for what they’ve done in the past and make a place for them in this next step of your future.
  5. Be present. Everyone tells you how fast their college careers went. I usually brushed it off or wished I could get to “real life” faster. School never came naturally to me and I was much happier working on a film set than I was doing traditional homework. However, each piece of the college experience helps shape you into the student, professional, and person you are when you walk across that stage to get your diploma. Enjoy those late-night study groups in Trexler when there’s a lot more laughing than there is studying. Go to Inside Scoop with your friends even if it’s way too cold for ice cream. Soak up every bit of knowledge your favorite professor has to say about the field you have chosen to dedicate your career to. You’re going to miss the little things, so take advantage of every opportunity big and small.

I would like to leave you with two pieces of advice I got from my parents before I went off to college all the way back in August 2019. Each summer, my entire extended family takes a trip to the Jersey Shore together. Back in 2019, I was leaving for college very soon after this trip. I love the water, but waited till the last day to go into the ocean with all my little cousins. That day was one of my favorite memories of all our times down the shore. I remember telling my dad how much fun I had and him telling me to treat college the same way. “Don’t wait till the last day to jump in the ocean.” That advice of taking advantage of every opportunity along the way highly influenced my college experience.

During that same summer, I had a lot of anxiety about this new transition, as I know many first year students do. My mom made me a pillow that I still have on my bed in my dorm room every year. It said, “May your dream burn brighter than your memories.” This advice is really impacting my senior year. While holding on tight to all those wonderful memories is a great thing, hang onto the future just as tight. These college experiences are what are going to shape this next chapter of your post-grad life.

So, to all the underclassmen who still have a few more years here, jump in the ocean as soon as you can. And to all my fellow seniors, may your dreams burn so bright.