Career Focused: Students Complete Essential Summer Internships in Marketing and Counseling

Each summer, DeSales students from all majors seek out internships to put the knowledge they learned in the classroom to the test. 

With the help of Kathy Krause, assistant director of experiential learning in the Career Development Center, Lindsay Gordon ’24, a marketing major, and Easton Edelblut ’23, a psychology major, were able to gain real-world experience in their respective fields. 

Gordon worked in internal communications at Lutron Electronics, helping to keep employees apprised of company happenings through news updates. She also worked on several projects involving public relations, event planning, and journalism. The experience solidified her decision to pursue a career in marketing. 

“I enjoyed all aspects of my position as it taught me how to interact in a professional environment and the importance of teamwork—within a team and by working together with other interns in different departments,” Gordon said. “Overall, I had a great summer at Lutron, and I am thankful for the people I met and the skills I obtained, which will better my future career.”

In an entirely different field, Edelblut (pictured above, third from right) was DeSales’ first intern with the Temple University Infant and Child Laboratory and Fab Youth Philly. His unique experience led him down a more specific path with a focus on DEI and counseling. He spent his time in parts of Philadelphia, including Kensington, that are deeply impacted by drugs and violence. Still, he says he grew to love the community when he realized how genuine and kind everyone was. 

“I spent time with numerous families from similar backgrounds who loved their children dearly but couldn't be around due to the fact that they had to work several jobs,” Edelblut said. “Regardless, they always seemed to try and find the energy to engage with their children during the different activities. Each interaction was unique, and I had a blast being able to engage with them. Where some may have been nervous about working in such an area, I was excited for the opportunity to become involved with such an awesome community of people.”

Overall, Krause helped to coach 32 summer interns in a wide variety of areas from accounting and cardiac rehab to historical interpretation at the Appomattox Court House National Historical Park. During an initial meeting, she walks students through the entire internship process—from completing prerequisites to registration. In today’s competitive market, Krause encourages students to gain a competitive edge and to make themselves stand out.  

“Internships can provide students with the experience and the skills to help make employers notice them, plus earn college credits,” Krause said. “The National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2022 indicates 98% of employers are looking for these experiences in candidates. Work-integrated experiences, such as internships, are a vital component of today's college education and play a crucial role in shaping one’s career.”