The Value of Having a Multitude of Experiences

I am frequently asked: “Why are you always working?” My answer is both complex and simple.

Working as much as I do, not only allows me to meet new people, but also lets me learn new skills and achieve my goals.

I currently work three jobs, two work-studies, and part-time catering for Sodexo. I have been working at least two jobs since I turned 18, but before all of these jobs, I had volunteered at a nursing home and church all year round from the time I was 12 until I was about 19 years old.

I have learned that the more I put myself out into the world, the more I get out of it. I would not be where I am today without having all of these experiences with my school, work, church, etc. These multiple experiences have allowed me to meet new friends, network with companies, learn new skills (and sharpen my old ones), and realize how beneficial it was to get out of my comfort zone.

Coming to college as a nursing major, I had this vision for how the rest of my college experience would go and what my life after college would look like. But seeing who I am now, I know I am a completely different person with a new path ahead of me. I am so grateful for all of these experiences that have led to me deciding what direction I want my life to go in. If it wasn’t for the Career Development Center, I would have never realized that I wanted to specialize in Learning and Development. Without working in the Veterans and Military Services Center, I would not get to practice HR duties like onboarding, training, and being a leader. All of these experiences and opportunities I have earned and been given have provided me with a new outlook on life and reminded me that it is always important to follow your heart.

Upon reflection, here is the advice, I wish I received earlier:

  • Be yourself. Never be afraid to show who you really are, you are unique- embrace that.
  • Never tell yourself that you can’t do something- only you have the power to get to where you want to be, and be who you want to be.
  • Do what you’re afraid to do- getting out of your comfort zone is such a key factor in growing as a person.
  • Take every opportunity you can- you never know when it will come again and what doors may open up.

QuadJobs is an app-based portal that connects local employers with Desales’ students. Students can look for part-time and one-time jobs in the community. There are also options for remote jobs. This service is free for all students. Head to MyDSU→ Career Development Center→ On-Line Resources→ QuadJobs and follow the instructions.