Finding YOUR Value

Ever ask someone how their job is and their response is, “living the dream?” Yet, they say it in such a way you know that it is not the dream they truly want to be living.

I am here to tell you that you do not have to end up being that person sarcastically saying “living the dream” at a dinner party. 

Being the youngest of six, I was often seen behind my sibling's shadow. I saw each of my siblings grow up, having different careers they truly enjoyed and a job that supported their family and lifestyle. I thought I could be a teacher just like my sister, or my brother can show me the finance world, or I could even become a doctor just like my sister-in-law. After a ton of trial and error, I soon realized that becoming a teacher, finance guru or doctor was not for me.

So instead of looking at everyone around me, I had to figure out what I found value in and what I was passionate about. Two extremely important questions we should ask ourselves are 1) “What am I passionate about?” and 2) “What am I skilled at?” The major and career you choose should be a selfish decision based on you and your values.

You may now ask, “Okay but what if I do not have a passion?” or, “How do I build a career around something I am good at?” Well, I have provided some examples of how you can find your passion and build a career that really is your dream. 

  1. Begin to think about the things you do for enjoyment and the skills you are strong at. Match your strong skills with things you enjoy doing. For example, I have worked in the hospitality industry for years. I enjoy talking with people, getting to know them and building connections. However I was determined to find a career where I did not have to work 10-12 hour days and have weekends and holidays off. That is where I landed today as a career coach. I have the communication skills it takes to learn about people and develop an understanding of them. Also, I am passionate about helping students succeed beyond their time at an institution.

  2. Ask your friends, classmates, professors and coworkers! Some of the best advice I have received was from my co-workers. You truly never know the answer to your questions until you ask. There is always someone, who knows someone, who also knows someone. Your professors have been in the field and can connect you with some awesome mentors. Your colleagues may have been in your shoes a few months ago. Your classmate may be going through the same thing you are. It is a small world and when you start talking about yourself and asking questions you will find someone to network with and help you get to that next step. 

  3. Take advantage of your resources! Use the Career Development Center and their self-assessment, Focus2. Focus2 is an online tool you can use anytime. You take short assessments and they match you with majors and careers in the field. You will discover job opportunities you probably never heard of before. You can see what new jobs are trending and ways to advance to that career. 

Finally, do not buy into mainstream media that everyone is miserable at their job. The career you will be happy and fulfilled at is out there, you just need to find it!