Educating the Education Majors

As a recent Early Childhood Education graduate from DeSales University, I tried to take advantage of any opportunity that allowed me to progress in my field and stand out to potential employers.

Here are some tips I’d like to share for others looking to get involved within the field of education post graduation. 

Take Advantage of Activities and Resources on Campus

There are various activities and departments on campus that will allow you to get more experience in the field of education. During my sophomore year, I got inducted into Kappa Delta Pi, the education honor society. As the Vice President of KDP my senior year, I helped facilitate a school supply drive amongst the residence halls and academic buildings. These supplies were donated to schools in the Bethlehem Area School District that my peers and I were student teaching at.

Taking advantage of community service events and organizations is a great way to get involved with students and local school districts. The Center for Faith and Justice hosts multiple events throughout the year for students in the Allentown School District. Volunteering at their holiday events is a way to get your foot in the door and connect with students. 


One of the most popular ways to network is to use LinkedIn. I personally use LinkedIn everyday to post my achievements and involvement on campus and in the community. This is a way for my resume to come to life and be a visual representation of who I am for employers to look at. When interviewing for jobs, I brought along my resume and cover letter as well as a flyer that “Introduces the Teacher." On this handout, I included a QR code to my LinkedIn so employers and administration could follow along with updates I am making in the community.

On the site, I have noticed that members of local school boards have viewed my profile. During my field and student teaching experiences, I made sure to become familiar with my teacher team and the dynamic of the school environment. Becoming friendly with the teachers, principals, and admin is a great way to not only be comfortable in the school, but they might just help you prepare for interviews, write letters of recommendation, and give you intel on the hiring process!

Find your “Why?”

I was always told, “choose a career path that makes you happy,” not for the money, not because it’s easy, but because you genuinely enjoy it and want to make a difference in that field. As I worked with different grade levels at different schools in my field experiences, they helped me discover what grade and school environment I wanted to work with. I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher, but it wasn’t until my second day student teaching that I really felt that I belonged and was truly meant to be a teacher working with students in a Title I school. Working with students from diverse backgrounds within schools in the Lehigh Valley is where my passion lies. I know that this is what I am meant to do as I have built positive relationships with these students and have helped shape their young minds.