Time Management: The Perfect Tool for Balancing Passions with Coursework

Whether you’re an incoming first-year student or a returning student, you are probably facing the same question that so many of us have asked ourselves: “Will I have the time to do the things I enjoy alongside the coursework for my major?” As I enter my senior year as a nursing major at DeSales, I have learned that the answer to that question is yes—you can continue to pursue those interests if you truly want to!

When I first came to DeSales, I was nervous that I wouldn’t have the time to pursue my major and continue to be as involved as I was in my hometown. I’ve always been a busy person, so I assumed being a college student would automatically make me busier and that I would need to solely focus on my major. One thing that I highly underestimated, though, was my ability to manage my time. 

Time management is to college students as a wrench is to a mechanic; it is an essential tool that you need to learn to use and have with you at all times. It won’t be the only tool in your “toolbox,” but it will become one of the most valuable and important tools you have at your command. 

So what are some ways to improve your time management skills? Here are some tips that I have utilized throughout my time at DeSales that will benefit me during my last year of college and beyond. 

  1. “Live by the planner, die by the planner” has become one of my academic mottos.
    Now, while this is not completely practical for every aspect of my life, it has significantly helped me so far. Every semester, I throw on some music, start writing, add in any important dates, and, in roughly less than an hour, I have my entire semester planned from day one. Nevertheless, it is still important to remain adaptable and flexible because things are bound to change.
  2. Use a Pomodoro timer when you study.
    I can promise you, I have never studied for eight hours straight. I know that method doesn’t work for me. Instead, I have found that using a Pomodoro timer to give myself breaks makes my studying way more efficient. A Pomodoro timer is essentially a block of time for studying followed by a short timed break. It holds me accountable for moving from one topic to another without spending too much time focusing on one thing. 
  3. Trial and error your study methods and find what works best for you.
    For me, rewriting my notes doesn't help me, but I love using flashcards to memorize important information. By finding what works for me, I can save more time in the long run.
  4. Find out where you are wasting your time.
    One thing that I am extremely guilty of is getting back to my dorm from practice, taking a shower, and going on Pinterest after. Shockingly, this is not the best move when you have a test the next day. By understanding what bad habits may waste your time, you can prioritize your time more effectively.
  5. Make lists.
    I am an avid list-maker for two reasons: one, lists keep me organized, and two, I love the satisfaction of crossing stuff off. 
  6. Have an accountability partner.
    Having an accountability partner has helped me so much throughout college. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are willing to study with you and keep you going will be your lifeline, especially on those hard days. 
  7. Give yourself grace.
    Heavy emphasis on this one. Not every day is going to be the best day, and that is okay. We are all humans; you are allowed to take breaks. Always remember to take care of yourself!

For all of the students new to or returning to DeSales, welcome back! We are going to have another fantastic year. Make sure you take time for the hobbies you enjoy and the people you care about. These semesters move quickly, so make the most of your time at school! I hope these tips are helpful, and I encourage you all to become involved on campus. Younever know who you will cross paths with and the impact they may have on your future!