Campus Spring

Amy Best

Amy Best's Profile Picture

Amy Best

Position: Chair, Theatre Department; Associate Professor, Resident Costume Designer

Department: School of Performing Arts

Phone: 610-282-1100, x1290

Office: Labuda Center


Amy Best has been a faculty member at DeSales University since 2000 and has served as Chair of the Theatre Department since 2018. She finds great joy in teaching both the First-Year Introduction to Technology course and the Theatre Capstone project for Senior students, considering it a privilege to witness their growth and development over the course of their four years at DeSales.

As the Resident Costume Designer for Act 1, Amy has designed over 75 productions, in addition to numerous shows for the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival. She particularly enjoys designing children’s shows for PSF, with some of her favorites being Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice in Wonderland, and Sleeping Beauty. Her costume designs have also been featured in Illinois (including the Chicago premiere of Death Defying Acts), New Jersey, Kansas, and the United Kingdom, where her work was showcased on a tour of Standing in the Shadows.

Before joining DeSales, Amy served as the Costume Shop Manager and Designer at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas.

In addition to her role at DeSales, Amy is the President of the Board of Trustees for the Arts Academy Elementary Charter School in Allentown, PA.