About DeSales University

Office of Mission

students walking on campus

Living the Salesian Mission

Committed to advancing DeSales' core value of Hospitality to ensure that all of our community members are able to be who they are and be that well.

Our commitment to inclusive excellence means that we will intentionally evaluate policies, practices and procedures to remove barriers that may affect the ability of our student, faculty and staff to be their genuine, authentic selves at DeSales University.  To that end, we will:

  • Review recruitment and retention practices for employees and students to attract and retain a diverse and culturally competent community to DeSales University.
  • Engage with our students to understand what triumphs and challenges they face to enhance the campus climate for undergraduate, adult education, and graduate students at DeSales.
  • Enhance relationships with our alumni, employers and community organizations to assist in our inclusive excellence commitment at the institution.

The DeSales Mission

DeSales is a Catholic, Salesian university that inspires transformative learning through the liberal arts and professional studies by energizing students to be who they are and be that well.

Philosophy, Vision, & Values